Friday, May 25, 2012

We visited Moray by having our Taxi driver stop and wait for us on our ride back to Cusco from Ollantaytambo, of course right after our train ride from Machu Picchu. It is out of the way, but worth a visit. The panoramic views to get to Moray are spectacular, you can ask your taxi driver to stop and he will even take the picture for you. Once you are in Moray, it is a short climb down into the ...concentric circles and a quick walk around.

Once you buy your tourist entrance to these sites which is included in the Boleto Turistico. It is an interesting visit for sure.   Just allow an hour of your time to visit this historic site.   Check with the receptionist of our hotel to program this tour for you. It is amazing..!

When you walk around, you discover there are actually 3 of these concentric circle sites which each successive one being smaller/shallower and not as neat as this one behind me (assuming you start at the main parking lot)...we actually went in reverse order, but doing it that way I thought it was more impressive.

These complicated terraces and irrigation systems, to include the environmental temperature and frost control permitted the Incas to cultivate more that 250 varieties of vegetables at this site. 

Our driver Uriel is an associate of Peruvian Accents Hotel, and he is in charge of taking you to the different historic sites we have in Cusco.   He is a native from Cusco and speaks Quechua fluently. This is a plus to be able to communicate with the locals.